Wednesday, September 10, 2008

Who Fact Checks the Fact Checkers?

...The Bloggers, that's who!

With the campaign in full steam, all out sprint to the finish, every little rumor has the potential to 'swift boat' the whole campaign. And you know TIWIAB has always tried to be neutral, like when we reported some bloggers were spreading false rumors about Sara Palin's educational record.

But that was bloggers, whereas this is from the St. Petersburg Times and Congressional Quarterly, so it really should be legit...

....yet it is total crap.

Read their "PolitiFact" web site - it evaluates McCain's claim that Obama will raise taxes. Their conclusion? McCain's claim is "half-true".


Obama raises taxes on those earning over $200,000. But he offers 150 million working Americans a $500 tax credit, expands relief for homeowners, eliminates income taxes for seniors making less than $50,000 (22 million elderly Americans would no longer need to file a return) and simplifes tax returns so millions of Americans can file in less than five minutes. He also gives families as much as a $1,000 tax credit, and gives tuition breaks. In fact, he offers more than $80 billion in annual tax relief for workers and seniors funded by an increase on wealthier investors. So he reduces taxes and costs on 95% of Americans, and virtually eliminates income taxes for 10 million low-income Americans.

So 5% of the people get their taxes raised. That's "half-true"? The site concludes: "Obama cuts taxes for some, though". Some? Since when is 95% "some"?? If I were TPM, Digg, or Daily Kos, I'd be all over this, before it burns into the minds of the voters.


Anonymous said...

Seems the press didn't learn their lesson from the Iraq war scam they failed to expose. I just submitted this to digg- hope it gets picked up.

Con10tious said...

Its only half-true because they recognize that when Nobama starts to implement his social programs like health care, the Youth and / or Freedom Corp, added bureaucracies to govern them and then eliminates the FICA cap and raises capital gains then everyone will be affected!

Con10tious said...

The reason the media failed to expose the scam is because there wasn't any. Remember Hillary and 76 other Senators and 296 House members voted for the Iraq Joint Resolution precisely because they thought Hussein had weapons. It was only after the US did not find any that all the rabble decided that there was a scam ...