I am talking about your "To Do" list.
Since the beginning of time, people have kept track of things they need "to do" with one of these simple lists, but no matter what you do, it only grows and grows with each day - like a cancer - and the resulting stress is just as dangerous to your health.
Many solutions have been proposed, including a long list of modern-age computer solutions such as Bla Bla List, Voo To Do, Ta Da List, and Remember The Milk.
We agree that time is an extremely valuable commodity, but SWR feels compelled to remind the reader that the ultimate goal of most tasks is to maintain your own happiness. This is, in effect, your primary job in life. And since computers are one of the main reasons we are doing so much more in the first place, perhaps we should reconsider using them as the remedy to our growing list of tasks.
Well we discovered a 'life hack' that changed our hate/hate relationship with the dreaded "to do" list. The best part? It's simple: Instead of writing down what you *plan* to do, write down all things *you already did*.
It's not a "to-do" list, it's a "done" list. Give it a try- you'll start feeling a lot better immediately!
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